Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Long, windy ride

This past weekend had me going on a long (and windy!) ride through the countryside surrounding Bloomington.  Most of the roads we went on were 40mph - I may have been riding at full throttle quite a lot - but gosh, it was beautiful out.  I could have done without the wind pushing me around the road, though.  Bryan and Gina on their Stellas weren't getting pushed around quite as much, as those things are heavy, but Ross and Mary Alice and I on our Buddys, we were at the mercy of the wind.

We rode out to Lake Monroe - the area there between the trees, well, that's supposed to be a road, but as you can see there's been some flooding.  We were planning on riding through here and taking a less steep way back into town, but the water was waist high, so we all got to chug back up some very steep hills on the way back to town.  It was fun, though - and I enjoyed each and every one of the 40 miles I put on my scooter on Saturday.

Current odometer reading: 711ish

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